South Korea’s Most Popular
Camera App SNOW

We suggest a new form of marketing communication through AR filters and
DA banners that drive promising results for brands

SNOW is the ideal platform to target
Gen Z and the Millennials.
Target the global young audience with SNOW today!

South Korea’s
Top Pick
SNOW AR Filter

SNOW breaks away from the traditional marketing methods and suggests a new form of marketing communication through AR technology! Virtual make-up, shoes and jewelry try-on, animated brand products are all made possible with AR.

SNOW’s Global User Traffic
Provides Powerful DA Banners

We provide a powerful line-up of DA Banners;
Full-screen Splash Banner reaches 12% CTR on average.

SNOW’s AR Technology Embedded in Your Apps

SNOW’s AR Technology can be customized and added to external app services via API.
Enrich your apps with SNOW’s technology today!

Meet SNOW’s Innovative Ad Products that
Provide a New Method of Communication with Clients

AR Filter
  • Brand message is embedded
  • High user engagement and fun experience
  • Target global audience
DA Banner
  • High user awareness and CTR
  • Product line-up for various budgets and
    reference cases across all industries
  • Fast-booking available through Naver NOSP
API Solution
  • SNOW’s AR technology in External Apps
  • AR Filter, GAN Filter, Beauty and
    Photo Customization options
  • 2.1 Billion

    Cumulative Downloads
  • 94 Million

    South Korea
    Cumulative Downloads
  • 12 Million

    Global DAU
  • 5.7 Million

    South Korea DAU
  • 1.1 Billion

    Monthly Cumulative
    Photos Generated
Snow 'AI Avatar' attracted 200,000 paid users just 15 days after its launch.

Naver's subsidiary Snow announced on the 20th that the artificial intelligence (AI) avatar service of its camera application "SNOW" attracted 200,000 paid users within 15 days of its launch. AI Avatar is a paid function that converts a user's photo into a 3D avatar.Users can register 10 to 20 photos to create more than 200 3D avatar images for more than 12 styles, including watercolors, movies, and art posters. Snow explained, "Although it is a paid service, it is gaining huge popularity among MZ generation users who are familiar with non-face-to-face communication."Woo Young-jae Snow Partnership Lead said, "We hope that users will be able to enjoy a higher level of content than before through technology that allows them to meet more natural styles of AI avatars based on their images."출처 : 스마트타임스(

2023-03-22 VIEW MORE
  • 당근마켓
  • 로레알
  • 콜롬비아
  • 반스
  • 클리오
  • 휠라
  • 네이버 라이브 쇼핑
  • LG생활건강
  • 삼성 카드
  • 더블유 컨샙
  • 브랜디
  • 넷마블
  • 록시땅
  • 이니스프리
  • 넷플릭스
  • 클래스101
  • 맥
  • 데브시스터즈
  • 대한체육회
  • 보테가베네타
  • 니베아
  • 무신사
  • 존슨앤존슨
  • 아디다스
  • 젠틀몬스터
  • 시세이도
  • 오렌즈
  • 아베다
  • 아이오페
  • 닥터 자르트 플러스
  • 퓨마
  • 아모레퍼시픽
  • 샤넬
  • 바디샵
  • 워너브라더스
  • 올리브영

Ready to grow your business with SNOW?